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Ag Datahub, Ethiopia

Ag Datahub, Ethiopia


Natural Resource
All the datasets about water resource, forest, irrigation and agricultural land
Socio Economic
Socio Economic refers to information that relates to both the social and economic factors of agricultural production.
Datasets regarding the information that is collected and analyzed to understand the agricultural marketing system.
All livestock resource related datasets such as health facilities, generic data, livestock population and production etc. are available here.
Crop datasets that can be used to understand the seasonal patterns of crop production and to identify areas with different cropping patterns
The cross sectional datasets including infrastructure and climate data are available under this category.

National Agri-Datahub

A dedicated, and publicly owned and operated - one-stop shopping national ag-data hub for Ethiopian government policymakers, agrometeorology experts, ag extension officers, farmers, value chain actors, and other end users.

Open Data Strategy

Open Data is about making data held by public bodies available and easily accessible online for reuse and redistribution. Published Open Data will not impact on the fundamental right to the protection of confidential personal and commercial data, and in these cases will not include any information that could allow an individual entity (person or business) to be identified.

Multi-Modal Approach

Our datahub supports a wide range of Database and data formats. It provides the capabilities of a graph database, a document database, a key-value store and a relational database. As a result, almost all kinds of data formats are supported.

Developer Guide

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